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Matrimonial Horoscopes

Marriages are made in heaven but so are thunder and lightning! A marriage is a happy occasion but it comes with its share of ups and downs. If marital issues are not resolved on time, they can result in separation, bitterness and even divorce. However, to avoid such circumstances, a marriage analysis report is the right choice. Manish Kumar Arora will analyse the couple’s horoscope and highlight the good and bad points, areas that need work and what to avoid in this report. This compatibility augurs well for the partners when they enter into a new covenant that binds them blissfully for a lifetime of happiness. The horoscope matching provided to you is accurate and authentic. The points of horoscope matching (Kundli Matching) are given from the total of 36; minimum scored points should be 18. Now, at least you can get an idea of your compatibility by the score card of horoscope matching, as it is difficult for a common man to understand the detailed analyzed horoscope matching report. Apart from compatibility, many other aspects are seen in Horoscope Matching (Kundli Matching). One of them is ‘Manglik Dosha’, which is considered really significant. The horoscope is analyzed for basically 6 major aspects that are – longevity, psychological compatibility, child birth, health, separate tendencies and financial stability.

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